by Jannice Moore | Accountability, Solution, Tools |
Agenda item: 4.1 Subject: Approval of initial Ends policies Relevant Policies: E-1 through E-5 Background: These policies were discussed and agreed to at a board workshop in September. They are now ready for formal approval. Board Action Requested: Motion to approve...
by Jannice Moore | Articles, Clarity, Solution |
Incorporation Documents Articles of Incorporation or Letters Patent or Constitution These documents issued by government constitute the highest level of authority. Incorporation documents create the legal entity called the corporation (or society). This is an...
by Jannice Moore | Clarity, Solution, Tools |
There are three kinds of information boards receive. Separating them in board agenda packages results in more efficient use of meeting time. In traditional governance, a “CEO Report” often contains elements of all three: information the board needs for decisions;...
by Jannice Moore | Accountability, Articles, Foresight |
Although a great number of boards do not operate using Policy Governance®, one could surmise that those organizations do have Ends that they intend to achieve (even if they are not clearly stated as such or monitored for assurance of achievement). Taken as a whole, a...