by Jannice Moore | Accountability, Tools |
[Words in italics are examples – replace with appropriate words for your organization.] 1. What do you believe will be the most significant challenges facing our industry/your community in the next 5-10 years? 2. What are the challenges that your...
by Richard Stringham | Accountability, Articles |
INTRODUCTION All governing boards are required to evaluate CEO performance. However, when a board is using Policy Governance®, the process of evaluation should follow the principles of Policy Governance, even though the practices of evaluation may vary. In a nutshell,...
by Andrew Bergen | Accountability, Articles, Solution |
A few years ago, my parents were preparing to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They spoke to my brother and me and designated us to organize an event. My brother and I needed to ensure our parents’ wishes were fulfilled. So, we formed (as small as it was) a...
by Jannice Moore | Accountability, Foresight, Quizzes and Check-ups |
If your score was less than 20, your board could benefit from some education or coaching to move to higher levels of proficiency. Check out the resources under the Monitoring subject index here on GC Place. Also consider other options available, ranging from...